In 2006, the SSAA Rifle Metallic Silhouette discipline was approved to run the American National Rifle Assocciation (NRA) Cowboy Lever Action Silhoutte Rifle match as a national event. In 2020, the dicision was taken nationaly to change the dicipline to Lever Action Silhouette.
Unlike the current SSAA Rifle Mitallic Silhouette disciplines, the Lever Action events can be contested on 100m and 200m Handgun Metallic Silhouette ranges, thus opening up Rifle Silhouette to a larger number of shooters who don't have access to the 500m range required for the Centrefire Silhouette Rifle match.
The intent of the discipline is to establish a match for common hunting carbines and other lever action rifles. The match is focused towards shooters who enjoy shooting hunting arms and do not want to commit to purchasing rifles required for other specialised shooting competitions. The event follows closely the NRA rules and will therefore open opportunities to compete internationally.
Classes of Rifle & Targets
Many shooters who have rifles for either the SSAA Lever Action or Single Action disciplines are already equipped for these matches.
The three classes of rifles used in this match are as follows.
Lever Action Silhouette
Any lever action centrefire rifle .25 calibre or larger, with a tubular magazine of original manufacture or replica thereof. A rimmed case loaded with a round-nose or flat-nose projectile must be used. 35 Remington is the exception and is therefore allowed. Any centrefire rimmed pistol cartridge is also allowed in this event.
Targets: Big Bore Pistol (full size) at distances of 50m (chickens), 100m (pigs), 150m (turkeys) and 200m (rams).
Pistol Cartridge Lever Action Silhouette
Any lever action centrefire with tubular magazine. A rimmed pistol cartridge must be used such as, .25-20, .32-20, .38 Special, .357 Magnum, .38-40, .44 Magnum, .44-40, .45 Colt,.45 Long Colt, .22 Magnum, .22 Long Rifle (LR). The case shall be no longer than 1.34".
Targets: Feild Pistol (half size) at distances of 40m (chickens), 50m (pigs), 75m (turkeys) and 100m (rams).
Smallbore Lever Action Silhouette
Any lever action, pump action or self loading rimfire with a tubular magazine in .22LR ONLY. Use of hyper-velosity ammunition is prohibited.
Targets: Feild Pistol (3/8 size) at distances of 40m (chickens), 50m (pigs), 75m (turkeys) and 100m (rams).
The Rules
All classes of rifle may have rear sights open, reciever or tang sights manufactured for the rifle they are mounted on. (The competitor may be required to provide documnetary evidence to tha Appeals Commitee.) Front sights must be post or bead, may be hooded or, if interchangable, may use post inserts ONLY.
Barrels must be orignal or may be relined. Original barrels rebored to a larger calibre are allowed. Any safe trigger is allowed and stocks must be of original configuration.
Ammunition may be loaded with smokeless or black powder, using a jacketed or cast projectile, with or without gas checks. All projectiles must be a flat or round nose, suitable for tubular magazine use. Any cartridge causing target damage or deemed unsafe may be banned.
Firing period will include a 30 second 'ready' (loading) period and two minutes to fire five rounds, once given the order to fire. Ammunition must be loaded through the tubular magazine. Alibis and shoot offs will allow a 30 second ready perio and 30 seconds for each round.
Binoculars may be used for spotting, however the use of spotting scopes, stands, shooting jackets, shooting vests, gloves and wind flags are prohibited.
Classification or, Grading, is scored on the number of targets that are knocked down. Master: 37-40, AAA: 31-36, AA: 25-30, A:15-24, B: 0-14.
Matches are 40 rounds or any multiple thereof.